Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
This double lesson introduces learners to the different types of business ownerships, we look at each with examples, and their pros and cons, with an emphasis on liability. Three 3 mark questions with model answers to help students develop exam technique and the use of connectives early on in the course. A case study with a 6 mark analyse question included.
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This double lesson aims to enthuse learners on entrepreneurship through talking about well known entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and more.
A task to create a fact file on an entrepreneur, a 6 mark discuss question to have a go at early on in the course, and finally a creative activity to design and add value to a t-shirt
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This double lesson introduces learners to the importance of cash for the survival of a business, inflows and outflows are discussed, students seperate inflows from outflows, then they go on to complete a cash flow forecast step by step with guidance on the powerpoint. Formulas are given to help work out net cash flow, opening and closing balance. Students then go on to consolidate this by creating a cash flow forecast for Ian Beale’s fish and chip shop, some further calculation practice followed.
3 and 6 mark questions with model answers to build exam skills on the topic. A consolidation lesson where students complete a cash flow forecast with a template on the computer. They can play with the figures to see how it will affect closing balance.
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This set of resources includes 5x PPTs, 4x word files and can be delivered over 8-10 lessons. There is quite a lot of theory in LO6, in the first powerpoint, we run through each category of influences briefly, and in the next 4 ppts we focus more on economic, legal and ethical influences as these are larger areas.
For economic influences, we start by looking at some shocking (for students) price changes in the last few decades before looking at how inflation is calculated and the implications on businesses and concumsers. We then go onto looking at interest rates and again, implications on consumers and businesses. Two essay exam style questions included on each topic - both with structure guidance and concise model answers to help students with peer assessments.
The second part to economic influences introduces learners to the stages in the business cycle and how each affects businesses and consumers, we also look at different types of tax and their implcications. Finally we look at exchange rates and their impacts. Two guided research tasks, a link to a kahoot quiz and box plenary to finish off with.
For legal factors, we start by watching a clip on discrimination at work before looking at the various types of legislation that exists to protect consumers and employees. A matching consolidation activity followed by a case study on an electronics manufacturer, students have the opportunity to consider whether complying with law outweighs not complying with law - 12 mark question with structure guidance and a model answer. Students can self or peer assess with the marking grids before engaging in a kahoot, finally ending with a box plenary.
For ethical factors, learners engage in provoking discussions. We start by looking at what ethics involves, we look at some real thought provoking case studies with Primark and Bangladesh’s factories, Apple and Foxconn’s sweatshops.
A 12 mark question with a concise model answer to peer assess with and a debate task acting for and against firms that are unethical.
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This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 3 lessons (over 65 slides of engaging and interactive learning throughout the bundle).
We start by discussing the different types of social changes that exist before looking at some informative graphs and charts to contextualise understanding. A short exam style question before going on technological changes, again discussion of real life examples for context and a short question. Some true or false questions as a mini plenary and debate.
In the second powerpoint, we focus on corporate social responsibility, lots of real life examples. case studies, videos to help students understand the extent to which businesses are socially responsible (or not) i.e Apple and Primark’s suppliers and tax avoidance by many firms.
We also have a case study on shareholders vs stakeholders, students prepare arguments to present back to the class on whether the firm should aim to satisfy shareholders or stakeholders, this can be answered as a 24 mark exam style question with a peer assessment grid to follow.
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This resource includes 1x PPT and 1x word document which can be delivered over a double lesson.
We focus on Porter’s five forces by starting with a video outlining the model, then some slides to consolidate the theory on this interesting tool to analyse influences on an industry. A case study on Tesco’s buyer power is looked at before students attempt to carry out a Porter’s five forces analysis on the smartphone industry, this could be carried out as a group activity and findings presented back to class.
In the second lesson, we look at a case study which we previously looked at in year 1 (3.1.3) on the gaming market, now that students have studied the external environment in thorough detail in year 2, we attempt this again. Model answer and peer assessment grid provided, debate question, videos, case studies, kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
As we come to the end of external influences, some slides at the end to remind students that PESTLE and SWOT are also useful tools to analyse external influences on businesses together with Porter’s five forces.
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This double lesson introduces learners to methods of internal and external growth, PLCs and sources of finance for PLCs.
Real life examples including an interesting case study on the Dixons and Carphone warehouse merger with questions. Sainsbury’s stock market flotation.
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This lesson introduces learners to the factors which have led to a more connected world economy. We start by looking at the the great depression to understand the protectionism that eventually failed the world, and the process of trade liberalisation which picked it back up.
We briefly look at free trade and the EU (as this is another lesson in the spec), then look at the various factors that have increased trade such as reduced cost of transport/containersation. A concise case study on CEFTA which students can attempt a 4 mark question on, a model answer to self assess.
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This lesson introduces learners the types of conditions which push or pull countries to operate in different countries. We then go on to look at the difference between off-shoring and outsourcing with examples, pros and cons are discussed.
A concise case study on an IT company Xceed is looked at, and why they decide to operate in a different country - this is a good build up to the next lesson where we assess countries.
Guidance and some structure is given, then students can look at a concise model answer to help with self assessment
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This 8 lesson bundle covers:
3.3.1 Quantitative sales forecasting
3.3.2 Investment appraisal
3.3.3 Decision trees
3.3.4 Critical path analysis
Filled with calculation practice, step-by-step examples on how to work out the various quantitative skills in 3.3, case studies, questions, concise model answers to improve exam practice and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
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This lesson introduces learners to scenario planning, the last lesson for theme 3! We start by looking at some scenarios where unexpected events have occured, which impact businesses adversely, we then go on to look at general scenarios that can have huge impacts on businesses and their operations, before looking at a case study on Shell, they have been creating scenario plans for a long time, and actually have a scenario plan up till the year 2100!. A kahoot quiz on all of theme 3 to consolidate and enjoy.
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This lesson introduces learners to the two types of growth, organic and inorganic. We start by looking at a concise study of one of the fastest growing firms in the UK. We look at the objectives of growth and limitations that comes with it such as diseconomies of scale.
We then go on to look at a brief case study of Microsoft and their growth, a 4 mark question, with a model answer to peer assess against. This is followed by a 12 mark question on the UK crisp market, structure guidance and a concise model answer again to ensure development of context and other important exam skills. We finish off with a box plenary to consolidate the day’s learning.
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. Learners are introduced to key concepts in organisational structures such as span of control and chain of command in engaging ways i.e chinese whispers to demonstrate the negatives of a long chain of command. We look at the pros and cons of tall, flat and matrix structures, then we move on onto centralised and decentralised structures. A short case study based on cartoon characters who have switched to decentralised - a few questions to contextualize the knowledge.
Students have the opportunity to learn about the supermarket industry, in particular Morrisons struggle with the budget supermarkets which led to restructuring - a 12 mark question with structure guidance and a detailed model answer to help students with peer assessments, as well as making improvements to WWW and EBI.
To spice it up a bit, a group matching task, where students have to create an organisational structure - answer sheet provided so teacher can look around whilst students work on it.
Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with.
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This lesson introduces learners to corporate cultures, and the different types that exist. We start with looking at some real examples before identifying how culture is formed, we look at the four different types of cultures that students are required to learn, followed by what influences these four types of cultures. Sometimes culture would need to change and we explore the reasons for this in an engaging way.
We then go on to read a concise case study about a company’s culture and how it affects their performance, a 12 mark question with a concise model answer for students to peer assess with. A research task and box plenary to finish off with.
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This set of resources (1x PPT and 8x word docs) can be delivered over 3-4 lessons and introduces learners to the importance of business planning with an emphasis on cash flow forecasting. We start by looking at what’s included in a business plan and the purpose of creating one, a group matching cards activity to consolidate the contents of the business plan.
We then go on to looking at the importance of a positive cash flow, and how to construct a cash flow forecast from scratch step by step (although this isn’t required it helps understand the topic well). Students then go on to consolidate this by creating a cash flow forecast for Ian Beale’s fish and chip shop, some further calculation practice followed.
This is followed by 2 x 12 mark questions, one on business planning and one on cash flow forecasting based on Ian Beale’s forecast. Both comes with structure guidance and concise model answers for students to peer assess with. Two links to kahoot quizzes on the topic and a box plenary to finish with.
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and 4 clips, and can be delivered over a double lesson. Learners are introduced to what branding is made up of and looking at the top brands in the world. Plenty of real life examples of strong branding before looking at different types of above and below the line promotion.
We then go on to read a case study about a budget hotel chain, a 12 mark question with structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to look at when peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI
A link to kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with, plus an 8 mark homework with a concise model answer provided to look at the following lesson.
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This double lesson introduces learners the design mix and what makes a product stand out through looking at function, cost and aesthetics.
The product life cycle is illustrated with plenty of real life examples to help students contextualise their understanding of the topic.
Group activity and a 3 and 6 mark question. The 6 mark question has a partially completeted answer for students to finish to improve exam technique.
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This lesson introduces learners to interpreting graphs and coming to conclusions from interpreting. Infographics and other graphs included to show various types of interpretations that might be needed.
A 6 mark analyse context question with a model answer for students to peer assess.
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This lesson introduces learners to different types of training such as external formal training and informal on the job training, pros and cons of both discussed and two 3 mark questions with model answers for self or peer assessment. Formula for retention rate and performance management is covered here too.
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This double lesson introduces learners to what motivation is, students reflect on what motivates them. Financial and non financial methods are discussed. Two case studies, two 9 mark questions, one with guidance to help write a model answer.
I have included Maslow’s hierarchy of needs although they do not need to know this for this particular course, however it helps with understanding motivation and extend their knowledge on the topic.
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